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Experience with Human
Insights and AI

With the on-going development of Artificial Intelligence, the world is split into two schools of opinions. The first advocates caution and restraint, while the other is in favour of unleashing the full potential of AI. Both these groups, however, agree on one crucial element- that AI is the future. How the world and humanity adapt to it remains the only variable.

Detractors of AI are apprehensive of the fact that AI and robots will lead to redundancy of human intellect and labour, resulting in a wide-scale paucity of jobs and source of income. AI supporters, on their part, are confident that it will usher in new dawn which will free humans from mundane, repetitive jobs and allow them an opportunity to explore newer horizons of human capability.

The truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. Going by the current trends, it seems more likely that the future will be shaped by artificial intelligence backed by deep human insight, each complementing the other.

The human advantage in
the age of AI

The idea of technological singularity, the point when technology finally outpaces the human mind, is based on the concept that human intelligence cannot evolve as fast and keep up with the pace of machines.

However, the limits of human intelligence are, as yet, unknown. It is possible, and highly probable, that the perceived inability of human intelligence stems from the lack of impetus to evolve beyond our current capabilities. In other words, nothing has yet pushed humanity to test its intellect beyond a particular measure.

AI, in and of itself, has its own share of limitations. It can scan and process data at a rate incomprehensible to the human mind. It can even offer insights and solutions based on its understanding of existing data. However, despite all its processing power, AI is grossly inept in developing new concepts and ideas.
For example, AI cannot develop a radical business model or ask an un-conceptualised question. It is ‘intelligent’ but cannot ‘think’ nor have ‘common sense’. Not yet, at least!

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A collaborative future beckons

The raging question is whether AI will render humans economically irrelevant with the absence of jobs being a new reality. Or, will the optimistic viewpoint prevail, and AI will end up creating new types of jobs (like it happened with computers.)

There is a third possibility as well, one that looks at the definition of ‘work’ itself. Traditionally, work has been defined as a set of specialised tasks performed by humans for a remunerations. What if AI alters that definition altogether and enables human beings in achieving higher goals beyond the scope of what we know as work?

It is a tingling idea to reconceptualise and redefine work, not as a set of tasks performed in a predefined process but a higher problem-solving method. Consider it, if you will, a process where human insight and ingenuity envisions a problem and AI provides possible solutions based on extrapolated data, and humans check its viability and acceptability.

The two entities have enough room to co-exist and indeed, help each other in the endeavour to peak greater heights in the evolutionary process.
There are both optimists and pessimists regarding that idea. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that notwithstanding a major calamity or AI apocalypse, the future of AI and humanity are inextricably linked. Future experiences will be forged with the help of human insights and the power of AI working complimentarily.